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We always recommend visualizing how your garden will look once all the blooms and leaves are gone. The placement of your evergreens will be very prominent in the winter. If you are starting from scratch, place your evergreens first and then fill in the space between with your perennials and flowering shrubs. This will give your landscape balance through the cooler months.
Flowering Shrubs
There are 100's of different flowering shrubs to choose from. Hydrangeas, Butterfly Bushes, Weigela, Roses, Lilacs, Spirea. Let us help you build a collection that provide blooms and focal interest Spring - Fall.
Shade Trees
Looking for a sizeable specimen for an open space or a slender one for near the house? Let our team guide you in choosing the tree for your space.
Visit Our Tree Info Pavilion

Chatham's Hardiness Planting Zone is
Zone 6b
Hardiness zones refers to what the lowest temperature a plant can survive in, and therefore tells us what geographic regions can support specific plants.
Anything labelled above your zone will be too tender to survive through our winters. Anything labelled in your zone or lower will be hardy through our winters.