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Winter Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm | Saturday: 9 am - 5 pm | Sunday: Closed - 56 Creek Road, Chatham Ontario.

A Cedar For For Every Space

A Cedar For For Every Space

A Cedar For For Every Space

Cedars have become the mainstay of just about every garden in North America. Rather than just being planted as an accent at the corner of the house, there’s a Cedar tree that fits every spot in the landscape.

Need A Windbreak Or Privacy Hedge?

Black Cedar

The standard “go to”. Dense, dark green and growing to 20 feet high and 10 feet wide, it makes a perfect screen.

Using sheers to shape and trim them each year will encourage dense new growth.


Looking For Something That’s Fast growing?

Green Giant Cedar

Green Giant cedar can grow as much as 2 ½ - 3 feet in one season

(once established) and at 25 feet high and 10 feet wide it makes a terrific windbreak or large evergreen specimen


What’s That? You Have A Small Garden?

Emerald Cedar

Not to worry. Emerald Cedar grows to 12 feet high and only 3 feet wide. Perfect for a tall, narrow hedge or specimen plant, and even better, it almost never needs pruning.

How About A Vertical Statement In The Shrub Bed?

DeGroot's Spire Cedar

will grow to 10-12 feet high but only about 2 ½ feet wide, providing a tall, elegant structure reminiscent of the towering Cypress trees so common in southern European gardens. With a little judicious pruning you can even keep it to 1 ½ – 2 feet wide.


How About A Little Colour Contrast?

Jantar Cedar

is brilliant yellow/gold, 'Yellow Ribbon' is a medium gold colour with yellow tips and both are relatively compact
(8 - 10 ft high).


Visit Our Garden Centre For More Info Like This! We have an entire Info Pavillion dedicated to informative signs of specimens for select gardens of interest!

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